Friday Free write

One can never be certain where a free write will take you. If you are new to free writes, here’s a brief overview, and you can read a more detailed explanation here.

Free write How-to

I started with a vibe on ‘pink‘, because I was luvin my look and definitely having some wear your happy feelings. Even though—as some will know—me embracing pink as a colour of choice is a whoooooole  ting.

Me a few hours before

Pink is not my colour, even though I look good in it.

Opening line – J M Whyne, 16 Aug. 2024

I didn’t know it would end up where it did, but that’s one of the things about free writes. They can give you a glimpse of what is residing on the periphery or simmering internally.

The most recent installment of racism and anti-Muslim hate in Britain was far from my conscious mind. However, it’s not surprising that it’s still in attendance in my subconscious.

With free writes I don’t usually do any editing, unless—like today—I decide to share/post it. This had a very minimal edit, mostly focused on finding a closing line.

The sons and daughters of our Ancestors will stand, upon this land, it is our right.

Friday Free Write, J M Whyne

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