…a universal language in which we can all hope to meet.
Taken from of statement made by Ted Hughes at the launch of the Poetry International festival in 1967. – source: National Poetry Library Open Day
In context:
However rootedly national it may be, poetry is less and less the prisoner of its own language. It is beginning to represent as an ambassador, something far greater than itself. Or perhaps, it is only now being heard for what, among other thngs, it is — a universal language of understanding, coherent behind the many languages in which we can all hope to meet. – Poetry International Programme note (1967)
As an aspiring writer, with poetry as one of my main avenues of self-expression, I am excited and enticed by the potential and power of words. I’m also challenged by the responsibility to wield those words, in ways befitting of the privilege.
In today’s technological age, throwing our words unto the world’s stage, forever to remain a fixture; can be child’s play.
Let us approach with caution the mighty pen*. Lest we run away with our words, ourselves, and possible even our world.
*Pen is mightier than the sword