I’m having real issues with contactless. Well, not so much issues, as internal soapbox. You’ve been warned…

On the one hand, it is so convenient. On the other, it’s just tap tap tap, with no real or live way to keep track of what one is spending.

I like cash. I don’t like to go out without cash. I always like to have a minimum amount of cash in my purse.

Long live cash!

It was probably drummed into me at some point that you should always have some ‘change’ in your pocket. Because “you neva know what might happen.” I for one, think that just as the pack your bag from the night before wisdom, still holds true, as does this.

I personally prefer to draw out a specified amount of cash, having decided what I have available to spend for that week or other length of time. Then when it’s done it’s done. I don’t keep track of everything I buy. I don’t concern myself too much if I decide to do a big spend. As I know what my limit is, and within that, I’m free, to do what I want… (anybody singing?)

But here comes contactless, and with it, some places who do not take my beloved cash. I nearly had palpitations a few weeks back, when having happily enjoyed my 2 piccolos, and the dangerously delicious banana and walnut cake with espresso butter (oh glory); I heard the customer in front of me begrudgingly state,

because you don’t take cash do you.

And there I was, standing with a crisp twenty in my hand. I was at the same time:

  • seriously thankful, that for whatever last minute reason I’d decided to stick my card in my Oyster card holder.
  • furiously wondering if the contactless on my new card was activated, and if I could remember the pin.

You see I had only come out for a morning 3-miler. I never take my purse me with when I go walking. Just keys, phone, Oyster card. – with a little change always in the holder.

*stop the presses*

If you’ve ever heard that timing is everything, I have just experienced an hilarious example of it. On the flight I’m -at the time of writing- on, the drinks cart just arrived. I asked for a coffee, and how much it was. I then asked if they take cash, and the attendant’s beautiful spoken reply,

Yes we do. And if you have change that would be wonderful.”

So hear endeth my contactless soapbox. I’m going to enjoy the coffee, and Belgian bun my brother bought for me yesterday, and just enjoy the moment.

Peace out people.