
At the start of a new week, a bit of self-reflection. When I looked at this picture taken while sat in the sun with my Mum, I saw contentment. I most definitely felt it at the time it was taken, and I feel I can confidently say that I know how to be content. Endeavouring to find contentment/roll with whatever my current circumstances are. However, something struck me about my expression. Almost as if it was a new expression or feeling.

I’m not going to try and dissect or overanalyse this, but thought it worth appreciating and marking the moment. Especially as moments of true contentment, joy and the such can at times be in short supply. Also the fact that moments, by their very nature, can be fleeting.

Additionally, this photo —coupled with another recent taken in the moment photo—prompted me to see if there were other self-captures that expressed something about me. As such, there will be another two posts to come. They do say things look better/come in threes.*

*Rule of three (writing) – An interesting find (from my perspective) after a quick search to double check whether the concept of things coming in threes had a negative connotation.