Did you hear about the ‘Emoji Trial‘?

I saw this post by Nadine White on the same day reports were breaking about the vile racism of Frank Hester towards  Diane Abbott.

An excerpt from Nadine’s Instagram caption:

Following a police complaint and further enquiries, the man, 26, was charged with racially aggravated malicious communications and appeared at Wood Green crown court in February.

A white-majority jury returned a ‘not guilty’ verdict on both counts after a three-day hearing…

As part of this police investigation, the man lost jobs, and his house was raided, I was told. He was held in a cell for 10 hours, placed in a police car, interviewed under caution, searched, and had his phone seized.

Nadine White,  11 March 2024 (read full news story)

What about Frank?

What a difference in action and consequences.

Do you wonder why?

Will Frank Hester face the same treatment?

Will his words lead to him being charged with racially aggravated malicious communications?

I very much doubt it.

As it is still being debated (and defended) whether what he said was racist or not. BTW I give no creedance to the so called apology or late faux condemnations.

Call it what it is

There was no reading between the lines with what he said. The fact that he felt so at ease to verbalise them is a another example of the hostile racist environment that has been created (always existed) and is being sustained in the UK.

Frank Hester had no fear of receiving  the same treatment as the acquitted Black man in the Emoji Trial.


Just another installment of Being Black in Britain.