So this morning I committed a decent amount of energy to positing my Thursday Thought before heading out for my day. Yes, I said Thursday.
It wasn’t until 3hrs, later during a brief interlude in my morning commitment, that I saw a message from one of my cousins saying,
It’s Wednesday, why is your Thursday Thought up?
One of my Tribe
Oh da shame! My response,
Whoops! It’s Wednesday (multiple laugh emojis)
I’m just TOOOOOO organized at the mo!
Then came the quick weighing up of whether or not to take the post down and repost tomorrow. However, I chose to just embrace my mistake and added an *update* to the post’s caption; which ended with, “…I blame the new normal, and it must surely be Thursday somewhere in the world right now.â€
Although said somewhat tongue-in-cheek one of the effects of lockdown/new normal is that many of our usual parameters* or markers for both knowing what day it is, making sense of our weeks and even ourselves has been a bit askew. Many of our usual rhythms/routines went out the window during lockdown, and some of us our still slowly navigating our way through or towards new ones. Or as I am calling it ‘new normal 2.0’.
I think in reality, there are probably still a few more incarnations of ‘new normal’ to come. Hence, I will be kind to -as well as be willing to laugh at- myself and my day confusion. As well as any other random new normal 2.0 confusions that there maybe to come! Hopefully, you will be too.
* A spontaneous spoken piece related to Parameters