Last night I enjoyed an evening of poetry, music, spoken word and some other bits in-between at an event put on by Eclectic Arts Network (EAN)
They were celebrating International Women’s Day – a day previously unknown to me and from what I gather, not widely known in the UK. Well Kocoa and others from the EAN felt compelled to do something in honour of this day and last nights fusion of artists from different creative genres was the result.
I went along not only to enjoy and support the night, but to read some of my poetry.
This was a long time coming ‘stepping out’ for me. As a ‘writer-in-waiting’, writing poetry and writing in general has long been a part of my DNA – known only to a few, and very little shared (unless you have been the recipient of a card from me 🙂)
I am grateful for the opportunity that came my way and the hook up/push that came from my cousin. I am also grateful and encouraged by those in the audience who came up to me afterwards.
When stepping out into anything new, there is almost always a moment when one can turn back or ‘pike out’ as I would say. To ensure that moment didn’t happen for me, I told a few people that I would be reading poetry and having them say they were going to be there held me accountable for not letting fear or any other associated feelings ‘give me an out’.
I must say that as I got off the bus to walk to the venue in the pouring rain, I did think I could be home now 🙂 but I’m very glad I wasn’t. As I could well look back on last night as when I really begun my move away from being ‘writer-in-waiting’.
*Eclectic Arts Network put on a number of events for creative people to be involved in and attend, so check out their events page. Also Kocoa is the front woman for the group KB Fusionnaires. This group has vibe, energy, artistic harmony and much more. Definitely to be checked out!