So I have so not been taking my own musings enough to heart, as my spare capacity has been swallowed whole by exam prep and assignments. Plus a couple unexpected eventualities too. All this to say, today’s offering is a poem from a few years back.
One of my cousins (she knows who she is) may lovingly cuss me for giving you ‘reproduced’ writing. Though I’d bank on many of you not having read it before.
I also don’t want to make this a 2nd day without a post. Just write something right. So hope you enjoy it. And if you do happen to have seen it before, maybe it will be a timely reminder : )
As for me, back to revising!
The Beauty Within,
Is what matters to Him,
You may pamper the outer,
Let Him pamper the inner,
The beauty of the inner, must outshine the outer¦
He cares about the beauty of the outer,
Because He knows it matters to you,
Yet He is more concerned with The Beauty Within,
For He knows that is where your true beauty resides,
The woman that you are,
Of Grace and Distinction,
Does not come from your outer appearance,
Rather it comes from an inner peace and tranquillity,
Which comes from knowing that your Creator loves you,
Unconditionally, and calls you Precious¦
Such knowledge causes an inner glow,
Transforming the outer person,
Into a beauty unachievable by any treatment that could be applied,
Search for The Beauty Within¦
He desires to beautify, restore, renew, and transform you,
From glory to glory,
Many will seek to meet the needs of the outer,
The person you present on the outer is who they’ll get to know,
Yet better by far to be known for The Beauty Within,
Crafted by the Master’s touch
© 2006 unique expression