Decided to do a thing. Questioning my choice, but I’m committed now!
You’re Doing What!?
I’m going to be doing 100 push-ups a day (did you pause like I did while editing this!?) throughout April to help raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Some of you will remember the 100 squats a day in November 2021. I wish it was squats not push-ups!
Are You Ready for This?
The photo above was me on March 30th, 2024, trying to hold one push-up long enough to take a photo for the fundraising page. I regretted setting 10 seconds on the timer!
But once this starts in earnest on April 1st, 2024, I won’t have to hold my push-ups for 10 seconds each. I’ll just have to keep doing one push-up at a time until I get them all done.
It most definitely won’t be a piece of cake, but I’m committed to seeing it through and I’m hoping you’ll join me in this journey.
Every Little Helps
A word of encouragement, a ‘like‘, a ‘share‘, a donation, a partner in push-ups (why not sign up too?) Whichever you choose, every little helps and I thank you in advance!
If you do feel able to donate, please scan the QR code or click the link

Watch This Space
I will aim to post a weekly update (mostly on my socials), with the 1st due on day one, April 1st. So watch this space to see how I get on.
Ooo, and feel free to spread the word!