#ICYMI 30 days ago I decided to do a thing. I questioned my choice of committing to 100 #pushups a day but, Give thanks, I got it done!
Here is your day 30 update of my #100pushupsadaychallenge
Final Count
Drum roll please…
A total of 3,277 have been done. Though tis possibly a tad more,as when I was recording I often lost count!

On the 1st few days they were mostly knee push-ups, but I switched to incline/elevated push-ups as my variation of choice. —With a few standard/classic push-ups struggled through now and then.
In terms of progression and increased challenge, I alternated the incline push-ups between using the worktop (sometimes while waiting for the kettle to boil), bed (using dumbbells or a flat hard surface on top, and the last 2-3 steps of the staircase.
Thank You
Thanks to all those who have shown support in whatever way and ‘well done’ to Makeda Hazel-Maynard & Myles Gray who also joined the challenge.
You can donate via the QR code or link in my bio. Any support you can give is appreciated.

And if this has encouraged you to add a few push-ups to your day (start with 5), let me know how you get on.
Blessings, Janice