God of justice, Saviour to all, thank you for the progress of covid-19 vaccination roll-outs in various parts of the world.

We pray for this process in developing countries; where access to vaccines is limited and the infrastructure needed isn’t fully in place.

Please provide wisdom and creativity for health officials in these countries, on how to plan and respond effectively.

May countries that are in a position to stand beside them, act justly in the sharing of surplus vaccines, resources and expertise.

Where vaccine nationalism is influencing the decisions of national leaders, please give them the mind of Jesus; who came to serve and not be served. Give them courage to do what is within their power to do.

Grant success to initiatives such as GAVI —the global vaccine alliance—with their mission to supply low-income countries with vaccines.

And in countries where hope may seem lost: may hope still arise and may your church be equipped practically and spiritually to be carriers of this hope that we have in you. Amen.

– JW, March 2021