One of the things I feel I should do more of is sing. I don’t have a superstar voice, but can ‘carry a tune’. I ain’t undervaluing myself or being falsely modest. I grew up in a Black church, so I know of what I speak. I’ve been around people who can really sing. But I do have heart. And when I sing, I endeavour to put my all into it. People have commented that they really feel it when I sing.
Randomly at 3am last night, a couple lines from the song Moving Forward started rolling around in my head. Felt like I should try and record and post it. I made a couple attempts, but hadn’t been to sleep yet and was tired, and didn’t feel like I could really let rip because the house walls are thin. So I decided it wasn’t to be.
However, this morning I woke up singing the song in my head. It was still on my mind as I walked to my morning meetings. Still with me as I headed back afterwards. And still there when IÂ nipped out to drop some clothes of at the laundry. With only my phone, keys, and a little change in my pocket.
While walking to the laundry, it crossed my mind that afterwards I could walk to the bridge nearby and record the song. In quick succession I internally rejected the notion. As I didn’t come out prepared for a walk, only had on flip flops, had work to do, hadn’t eaten yet etc. Yet the thought persisted, so I went with the flow.
I got to a spot on the bridge where I could sing and not worry about thin walls or attracting too much attention. I also had an open view of some of the city. I found space for my voice. Feel I released what I needed to. I’m also still feeling the inner glow of having sung. As it’s one of the other key ways in which I feel I can express myself.
- So what might you need to create space for?
- What thing is rolling around in your mind and not shifting?
- Where might you need to capitalise on the moment (go with the flow), as opposed to heeding all the reasons why you can’t?
- Where might you need to move to, or position yourself, so that you can ‘let rip’?
~ Additional extra:
Israel Houghton| Moving Forward – Song Story
Aw that’s so cool. And re you letting it rip, do it Jan. Whatever the ‘it’ for you is, do it x
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If YOU letting rip made me feel good, imagine how I’d feel if I let myself. Just beautiful Jan. Thanks x
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