One of my favourite places in London is the Southbank.

You want river views, it’s got it. You want a cool spot to work, rest, and play, it’s got it. You want live music, performances, poetry, and art, it’s got it. You just enjoy seeing people and life go by, it’s got it.

And best of all, you can get a lot of it for free. Why wouldn’t you luv, and enjoy a place like this?

Today, after a lovely time catching up with a friend I haven’t seen in 3 years, I sat back and enjoyed the sounds of Ed Riman, aka Hilang Child. Interestingly, for me, he has Indonesian heritage

Relaxing, feet outstretched in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, with the keys of the piano being played by someone who obviously enjoyed his craft, was indeed a tonic. In the medicinal definition of the word:

A medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigour or well-being. – Oxford Dictionaries

Good live music is one of the things that feeds my soul, and definitely gives me a good good feeling.

So I’m glad I took my tonic today. I encourage you to make use of the opportunity to get yours.

If you’re outside of London, there’s bound to be some equivalent where you are. It just sometimes takes a little looking.

If you’re London based, maybe see you next Friday.