This was my after service snack on Sunday. Enoki. Sautéd battered mushrooms, severed with Indonesian sambal (chilli sauce).

I saw the barista coming with it, and heading -I assumed- for me. I was already voicing the request for more sambal in my head, and then she went out of sight to the right. So I figured that it must have actually be someone else’s enoki. Even though I was sure I was currently the only customer.

Before I had finished these thoughts she suddenly appeared again, sambal bottle in hand. I said thank you and remarked how she’d remembered I’d need more.

Attention to Detail

Such simple attention to detail can really enhance the experience of those you are serving.

It’s a sign that your custom matters, which in turn, can be experienced by the customer as a sign that they are valued.

Remembering their order preferences, their name, preferred spot etc. can elevate their experience in a way which means they will continue to come back.

Parallel to this, it could also be a sign that your loyal patronage of an establishment, is being rewarded.

Thankful For the Simple Things

I think this it’s the simple things, principle is a life principle/hack worth noting. As it is not just applicable to a customer-service provider dynamic. It’s a people dynamic, whether at work, home, or play.

And for me, on Sunday, it was a simple thing which particularly touched my heart. As in that moment, I was feeling raw with sadness. That simple gesture brought a smile to my face, and injected some lightness into my heavy heart.