This was my number, on the ticket I pulled out of the machine at the blood testing place today. The no. on the display was 23. *The following are the things are wrote down while I was waiting.

You can probably imagine my internal despondency at the thought of the wait that was ahead of me. In fact, I think the process towards that feeling actually started the moment I entered the tiny side space that has been given over to it, and saw the number of other internally despondent people who were sitting down. – Would this shared communal feeling be enough to call us a community?

I’d come armed with a book, but was regularly drawn away from it by the actions and my interest in, the rest of the community.

There were those who came, the sight of us left. Those who came with a friend, the guy who’s just come in handcuffed, (11.25am) with two prison guards – that’s caused quite a stir

I think we all did the look up, stare, then quickly look away thing (surreptitiously glancing back now and then). It would be interesting to know how many of us are wondering what he’s done.

Then there is the older couple who are calculating how long it’s taking to see people once they go in. They reckon it’s 5-10mins a person, based on the amount of people that had been seen in the time it took for the wife to go and come back with two small cups of Costa coffee. They may have been right earlier on, but it seems to be speeding up now.

There’s a few readers of the Metro, have seen a few random headlines:

‘Student vet facing £95,000 in fees for degree’, ‘Dolphin Clicks help me ‘see’ says blind Jamie’, ‘Bank boss victim of card fraud’, ‘25% off clothing at Tesco’

People of all ages – though mostly the older end of the spectrum – every hue, and all waiting…

I am now getting bored (11.33) We’re on no. 40, just 14 more to go. I hope that couples calculation isn’t right, as if it is, that means a potential 140mins, and I haven’t eaten yet as I had to fast from last night!

11.36 – Umm! The officer has just taken the prisoner in, I guess he’s getting seen ahead of his ticket. Don’t think anyone is impressed, I mean we’ve all been waiting ages, but maybe we’re all kinda relieved?

As would we be a bit uneasy about him being next to us when we went in or about having a handcuffed person around us period? Ummm, what does that say about us?—And they’re off! 11.39

Well at least it only took 3 mins, maybe I’ll be seen quicker than the couple’s calculation would have predicted).

We’ve hit comical point. The older couple, the elderly lady I’m sat next to, and myself just had a chuckle at the faces of some people taking tickets, as the realisation dawns of just how long they will have to wait.

It is really quite funny, and as one of them said, it would be funny to have a candid camera (11.48am no. 43! Argh!)

I wonder if they ever have mystery shoppers in this place? – I have hit that point of random hysteria, streams of drivel are prone to now flow erratically from my thoughts unto the page.

The older couple are chatting unhappily over how much their parking is going to be. Do you think hospitals should validate parking for those who have to come for medical reasons? maybe if you’ve had to hang about for over an hour it should be free?

Or maybe, based on my length of wait today, your 1st 3 hours should be free. (I don’t have a car, but just saying)

Umm, no. 46 (11.55am)

I am now tapping the page in boredom and probably frustrated, though think I’m possibly too bored to be frustrated. I’m also ‘intrigued’ by the fact that one of us has started doing some drone like humming, repeatedly!

The pretty lady is leaning against the work of art that I guess is supposed to bring a touch of beauty to the drab surroundings. Argh!!!!

Latest glimpsed headline: “Cheryl loves herself…” – Under Guilty Pleasures in the Metro

Midday – my phone is reminding me of the fact that by now I was supposed to have done a number of things. My attempt to be organised. I had a ‘To Do’ list, I don’t do those, but I tried. Needless to say there are some things I haven’t been able to do yet!

12.01, no.47 – One of us is doing a crossword, one is reading ‘Angels in my Hair’ (she has no. 97 – Oh dear!).

Umm, I’m going to try reading my book again: “There sending someone for their break now!” = response to “Rav, go for your break now”. OK, I’ve hit frustration point now! 12.05, no. 47.

‘Angels in my Hair’ lady has decided to go. – Lightweight.

“No wonder the country’s in such a state”. The opening comment of an annoyed elderly newcomer who has been sent to two different places already, and they have both been wrong.

Jimmy, the old Irish gentleman with her, is very annoyed, and you can see he is fit to burst. 12.16 (no. 49). Annoyed newcomer and Irish fella have decided to go.

Another newcomer has just pulled ticket no. 5 (when the machine gets to 99, it goes back to the beginning).

Headlines: “faithless ready to Rock Roundhouse – itunes festival” – Metro “Cheryl…behind the mask. “I’m ‘Skanky’ she says” – Daily Mirror. 12.23 (still no. 49!)

An annoying lady is holding up the process. – No you haven’t missed your turn, we haven’t got to 92 yet! Yep, there are over 40 people in front of you.

Apparently they’re getting more people in there (I wonder how many are actually in there taking blood). 12.32, No. 53 – there was actually an audible cheer, Lol :-0

12.35, “Number 54” – It’s me!

12.37pm – I’m out! 2 mins for 2 hours, umm – can I just say, 3 people in the room.