Yesterday I celebrated another year of life.
I’m not really one for celebrating birthdays, and I struggled in the run up to the day to answer the question that came from a few as to what I was going to do. My general response was that I wasn’t that bothered about doing anything in particular, happy to go with the flow and just see what offers came along. I did, though, sense that it should be marked in someway, and that it definitely wasn’t going to be marked by me hoovering on my birthday 🙂
When the day came, I enjoyed spending quality time with my immediate family. My brother, sis-in-law (and bump) came round and made brunch/lunch. We started with fresh coffee and pastries, then had a full on West Indian version of a big breakfast, with an additional twist.
This was followed by relaxing on the sofa till almost 5pm, at which point I left them chillaxing and went up to the National Theatre  to enjoy someÂ
music, and some chilled out chat over wine and crisps with a good friend. – She had called around 10am to find out what was occurring, and “made me an offer I couldn’t refuse”.
Occasions should be marked, and what makes an occasion can be different for all of us, but in some way they should be marked  in order to help capture and retain the moment.
Writing is a great way to mark an occasion, sometimes just a few words – and at times even one – can sum up and encapsulate the moment, marking it forever in the minds of those involved, and those you invite to be involved. It’s like the punchline of a good joke, the ending of a good story, that spontaneous one-liner…
As a writer, I am trying to return to the habit of having a notebook with me at all times in order to capture those occasions as they happen; the old man on the bus who talks loudly on the phone, the couple on the tube so obviously in love, the tension of the city when certain news breaks…
I have so often lost the opportunity to mark an occasion. as I haven’t written down what I’m seeing or thinking as and when it is happening. Leaving it till later, I find that when later comes, the moment has often passed, and I can no longer remember or capture what was happening or going through my mind at the time.
This is tragic for a writer or any creative person, as I would imagine the same applies for an artist or photographer etc.Â
I am aiming these thoughts first at myself, then humbly suggesting they may have value to you. Feel free to comment, and also enjoy a look at a few more pics, taken to mark the occasion.