So not long found out that it is National Poetry Day!
An annual celebration that inspires people throughout the UK to enjoy, discover and share poems….
National Poetry Day was founded in 1994 by William Sieghart and has engaged millions of people across the country reading, writing and listening to poetry. (It is now) an initiative of the Forward Arts Foundation,“
National Poetry Day website
Decided I couldn’t t let the day pass (even with only 10 mins left of it this side of the world) without posting something. So I have quickly tried to finish something I started 2 days ago. As at short notice, it is the closet thing I have to hand that very loosely resonates with this year’s theme “Truth”.
Please Trust That
Please trust that,
Trust that things will not always be the way they are now,
No promises that things will get easier, or brighter,
But they will not always stay the same.
Please trust that,
Trust that you do have other options,
The one door may be closed,
Another still unopened,
But if you can’t go through it, you might go over it.
Please trust that,
Trust that all that has gone before,
Must -surely- count for something,
Recorded somewhere for more than just good merit.
Please trust that,
The words written here are not mere platitudes,
They are an earnest offering,
A humble plea,
A hopeful uttering of things that are not yet, but trust they will be.
Please trust that.
J Whyne, October 2019
If you want to see what’s s happening around the U.K. in conjunction with #natonalpoeteyday, check out the National Poetry Day events page, or just do a google search for your area.