It’s been a long time since I read a book from start to finish in one sitting.

Today was one of those days. Totally not planned. In some ways totally not a good idea. I had work to do, and only intended to read a few pages while I enjoyed my espresso.

192 pages later…and I have spent most of my Sunday with Morrie.

I listened to a podcast recently where Mary Anne Radmacher talked about bright shiny objects. Basically, things that come to mind right when you are in the middle of something. That great idea, that phone call, that thing to read and so on. Vying for your attention when you are supposed to be focussed on something else. A planned something. A work deadline. A task that needs to be completed.

Mary Anne shared about how you can give attention to those things, without letting them distract you. Placing them in safe keeping for a more opportune time. She also mentioned how sometimes, allowing those bright shiny objects to distract you, could be the right thing to do. I feel like it was right for me to let those 192 pages get my attention.


Because it gave my head time to breathe. Engaged a different part of my potentially overworked brain. And gave me some interesting things to muse on in the process. Possibly even things to put into practice…

“Accept what you are able to do”; Accept the past as past, without disregarding it”; “Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others”; “Don’t assume it is too late get involved.” – Morrie Schwartz aphorisms in ‘tuesdays with Morrie’

I currently have a few deadlines that I’m juggling. August -which was supposed to be a lighter month work wise- ended up being busier than planned. Requiring more energy from an already stretched me. The assignment due for submission on Friday, thankfully got submitted (yay!). Requiring more brain power and capacity than I felt I had. Which is possibly why, when uploading it (@9.37pm), a friend who is staying with me said, “I’ve never seen you like this.” – I was a bit frazzled.

And just when I thought, at least tomorrow is Saturday, I remembered I had a meeting in the morning. One which would take half the day. Saturday came and went. The meeting turned out to be worth going to. However I was really spent by the time I got home. And then came today…

Spending most of my Sunday with Morrie felt like I had a short interlude. The inner reserves got a bit of a top-up*, and has me feeling more energised for those delightful deadlines.

Hopefully you’ll be able to connect with something from this. If not from my musings, maybe from Mary Anne’s or Morrie’s.

*I also got to spend quality time with a friend. Another thing that helped top-up my reserves.