This week I experienced the sweet amber nectar of Friendship.Amber Nectar Flower

Hopefully we all have at least one friend who we value and knows values us. The kind of friend that you know you can rely on.

I am blessed to have friends like these, and this week, I had reason to value them even more.

I was out of town when I heard my Dad had a mini-scare which led to an overnight stay courtesy of the NHS.

The following morning he was given the all clear, and some advice on avoiding a return visit.

Even knowing that things turned out ok, I wanted to be home with my family, especially my Mum.

It brought tears to my eyes, when a friend called and said: “I’ve just been speaking to your Mum”. She had also offered to cook food, take her shopping, basically be there.

A friend I was due to go away with for the weekend, pre-empted my thoughts about whether to cancel, by telling me to do whatever I felt in my heart, and then checking with the hotel what would happen if we decided not to go. – The hotel let us off the cancellation charge.

This stuff totally warmed my heart, and brought a sense of ease to my unease.

I got home 2 days later- my Mum tried to tell me off for shortening my trip, then said she was glad I was here 🙂