If you’re up for it, we’re encouraging readers to undertake a three-day diary of life in lock-down or self-isolation. What is happening in your day-to-day world, how has life altered for you in the past few weeks, and what is the world like outside your door?

Womankind Magazine

This post on instagram was sent to me by a friend last Monday (23). At that point, I had already been working from home for 2 weeks. Self-imposed isolation, a choice by our team. Our response to the covid related developments in the capital; a spike in the number of cases, news of increasing spread.

The deadline for submitting these 3-day diaries (appx 250 words per day), was last Wednesday (25). I laughed and thought ‘no way’, but agreed to read and comment on the one my friend had written.

A day later, I had a moment of inspiration, and decided to give it a go. Here is what landed on the page, and was also submitted. There has since been more…

Will I keep writing until this thing is over? Not sure, but for now, welcome to the beginnings of my Covid Chronicles.

3-Day Diary