This song came to mind this morning. I first heard it a couple years back; after watching a clip where Ellie Goulding talked about the story behind the song. Here’s a little excerpt:
I realised that I had focused a lot of writing on past relationships and it hit me I had never written about my best friend. The person I met in college over ten years ago. The person who was at my very first gig. The person who has seen me at my lowest and the first person I call in muffled sobs when something bad happens. We’ve been deliriously happy together, deliriously tired and deliriously sad together. I wanted to show our friendship for what it really is- honest, real, electric.
Hearing this made me want to find and listen to the track. The key lines that stood out then, and again today,
When I’m with you, When I’m with you
I’m standing with an army, I’m standing with an army
Those words spoke powerfully and deeply. Reminding me of those people, who can make me feel like “I’m standing with an army.”
Those who I have navigated life’s highs and lows with; had in my corner and been in theirs; can be my truest self with; laughed over the most ridiculous things with and more. My army. My tribe.
I am reminded once again how blessed I am to have them in my life. I hope you have some people like this in yours.
To my army, my tribe. I appreciate and love you. Thank you for standing with me x
N.B: While writing this, it dawned on me that today is Remembrance Sunday (the centenary). A day when we remember those in a literal army. Who, to paraphrase a quote I saw earlier,
“…for our tomorrow they gave their today.”