The tagline of one of my email accounts.

So after a marathon catch-up on some emails, I was ready to switch to some netflix, or anything that would give my brain a rest. As I went to swipe up, my eyes were arrested by my tagline. I actually read it out loud, and internally said to myself,

what does that mean?

J M Whyne – May 2019

Now I’m a person that doesn’t like to use words, sayings, idioms etc., that I don’t know the meaning or origin of. So of course I knew what my own tagline meant. But then what was that question to myself about?

It came to mind, that maybe it was a sub-conscious reminder, pushing its way to the conscious.


Tomorrow, June 1st, I and a cousin of mine have committed to a writing mission, ‘25/100‘. The basic premise of which was partially inspired by the completion of just write something. This time round the bar is set a little lower, and yet also a little higher. 25 posts in 100 days.

quality thoughtful writing.

Stirlyn – May 2019

There was an intentionality behind the lessening of pressure and setting a more realistically achievable target. I now need to think intentionally about when, and how, I am going to ensure that I produce these 1-2 per week.

Tried and Tested

I have previously tried to have a ‘writing day’. I was momentarily successful with this, but it didn’t stick.

I have tried my hand at writing every day, I managed it for a good long while, even amidst some crazy busyness.

However, the busyness got busier still, and the daily writing, became weekly, and then as and when. —With some sporadic return to daily writing along the way.

So how will I create this opportunity for creativity, in a way that is consistent and sustainable?

Here’s an initial attempt at some ideas. Don’t hold me to them as final, but let’s see if there is anything that will stick, and may also be helpful for you…

25/100 – making it happen

  • Pick a set time – aiming for a regular rhythm, set an alarm if necessary/helpful
  • Pick or create a place to write (settings are important) – lack of clutter and distractions, access to food & beverage preferable, nice view a bonus, music optional (but should be to hand)
  • Choose one of my numerous notebooks to be dedicated to 25/100
  • Write a list of 25 things I want to write about
  • Decide what the 1st post tomorrow will be about!
  • Use the ‘do not disturb’ function on phone
  • Try the above for a week, then review and adapt as needed.
  • Check with my cuz about how we want to keep each other accountable – nothing too rigid, but something that works for us both, and challenges us to stay committed
  • Decide how I’m going to celebrate on day 100 (Sept’ 8th)

Feel free to join us in this 25/100 mission (message me if you do). Or feel free to just use the ideas above to encourage you in your own intentionality. Be it related to a creative or otherwise goal.