I had the privilege of speaking at an assembly, at Thames Christian College this morning.

When I’d finished speaking, one of the students came up to say thank you, and handed me the pinkest of pink box of chocolates. I was both grateful, and also internally saying

The pink conspiracy strikes again!

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out the post, ‘things I do to laugh at myself’.

It wasn’t until I was putting the box of chocolates in my bag, that I realised there was writing on the box. A “Thank you Janice x” and some other words of appreciation. It wasn’t until I got home, and took it out of my bag, that I realised I had previously missed another two sentences.

God bless you x” & “You’re awesome.

That is the point at which the idea for this post was born.

Sometimes it really doesn’t take, or cost much, to make somebody feel good. To acknowledge something they have done, give some affirmation or encouragement etc.. A thank you -as long as truly meant-, or other words of appreciation can be such a simple yet powerful act. I also feel it can be an art, that comes naturally to some, and has to be worked at, and on, by others.

I don’t know who I specifically have to thank, for the appreciation that adorned my pink box of chocolates. I do know that that they chose to take more than a moment to do so.

As I reckon many would have stopped at the “Thank you Janice x“, and that would have been perfectly fine, and already viewed by me as an extra touch. However, they went that step further, and wrote something on literally every available side of that box. Hmmm, I should check the bottom!

I wasn’t looking for a thank you, neither expecting a chocolate edition of the pink conspiracy, but this simple act of appreciation warmed my heart. I feel blessed, and am thankful.