When will strivings cease?
In a world of turmoil, torn apart by the brokenness of humanity, when will we be still?
At a time when nations rise against nation and neighbours rise against neighbours, when will there be peace?
As the blast of a bomb has shattered the Sunday of church goers in Makassar, may the sound reverberate in our souls and make our cries for peace increase.
For all the injured in body, mind and spirit, will you bring healing, comfort and justice.
For those in power to pursue justice, will they do so swiftly.
For those who can promote peace, will they persevere in doing so.
For the perpetrators of this violence, may you have mercy.
May strivings cease. May we be still.
- Bomb Explodes Near Makassar Church| Jakarta Globe
- Makassar explosion: Worshippers wounded in Indonesian church bombing | BBC
- Some definitions of Neighbour
- Biblical reflection on Cease Striving