So… the previous post, self-expression (1), actually started out as the following. However, once I started to dig into the subject a bit more, it grew into what I felt was a post of it’s own. But I still want to share the original inspiration. As it is an example of how I express myself. One of my mediums is poetry…
Who Am I?

Daughter of Trevor & Carmen,
Sister to Geoffrey,
Aunty to Donovan & Gabrielle,
Cousin to many, friend to some, acquaintance to a few,
A Londoner by birth, a Jamaican by heritage…
I don’t like to be boxed in, give me room, give me time,
A product of my environment, yet still trying to swim against the tide,
Got my fears but in the words of a friend trying to, “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”
I used to like white, now I appreciate red,
I never liked coffee, now according to some I’m addicted,
Running for the bus was a no no, now I’ve been known to run 26.2…
Usually quiet, but if you hit the right button, you will enjoy surround sound,
A lyricist with pages to fill,
Acquainted with pain, restoring my joy,
Living a life prescribed, but trying to draw outside the lines,
Jack of many trades, one day I’ll master a few,
A ‘contradiction in terms’, yet easily read if you have the key,
Full of emotion, seen only by a few,
A deep thinker, a deep feeler, yet content to ‘go with the flow’,
If it matters I’ll speak, if it doesn’t, I won’t…
Love the spontaneous, but need a rhythm,
A framework to scaffold this journey I’m on,
Seeking my identity, longing to be known,
Keeping at arms length, but open to being drawn close,
A narrative still unfolding,
Unsure of myself, but certain of Him,
A work-in-progress, He’s promised faithfully to complete,
A unique expression of His love,
A vessel for His service,
Trying to live His truth,
To use a turn of phrase of my people, “A me dat!”
Or at least, in part.
©Janice Whyne